Content Writing

Does More Content Mean More Traffic?

Since the conception of Internet Marketing, it has been constantly said and believed that “content is the king”. SEO experts keep saying the same mantra, “keep your website updated and post as much content as possible”. But recently I have noticed that adding more and more content does not guarantee an increase in the amount of traffic.

To put it in simple words, if you are of a belief that the more pages that you add, you would have a higher chance of getting ranked on wide range of keywords and eventually get more traffic from major search engines, then you are in for some disappointment.

You might come and say that it is true as so many other big blogs perform so well in terms of traffic. But, Google doesn’t follow this theory.

According to Google, quality is more important that quantity. Thus, each one of the SEO Copywriter need to ensure that even though adding thousands of pages is a good thing, but they need to be very careful and evaluate whether that content will offer value to their readers or not. Each and every article should be worth a read.

So, I would say the equation in SEO writing should be – More Quality Pages = Better Ranking = More Traffic.

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