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Apple Tops Google in BrandZ Top 100

Here is another score for Steve Job’s led Apple. Apple has toppled Google in the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Brands study, with Google stepping down from its four-year number one ranking. 

Apple’s brand is valued at $153.3 billion according to BrandZ study which marks an amazing increase of 859 percent in value since the inaugural study of 2006. Between 2010 and 2011, the value of Apple brand increased by 84 percent. Google dropped by 2 percent to $111.49 billion while IBM got a 17 percent increase, moving it to third position.

Other companies to appear on the list are AT&T at number 7, Facebook at number 35, and Chinese search engine Baidu at number 29.

It makes me wonder, if Google is losing is brand potential, is it possible that soon Bing/Yahoo will overtake Google’s spot as the number one search engine…Only future can tell, so till then stay tuned with the Future of Digital Marketing…

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