Future Marketing Strategies

Should You Outsource Your Social Media?

Nowadays, most of organizations are promoting their brands through various social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. But unfortunately most of them are unaware of how to use the full potential of the social media. So, should these companies outsource their social media to other agencies or manage in-house?

Many companies these days do not have the time or skills to manage such marketing channels and prefer to outsource their social media work. In such scenarios, there is a strong possibility that the company that manages the social media is not aware of the brand, culture or is not putting it forward in the right way. There is no harm to outsource the social media marketing work but it is very important to have an internal person who acts as an intermediary who is able to understand the good ideas and the bad ideas with respect to the company’s brand.

The head of Facebook in Australia and New Zealand, Paul Borrud, said marketing professionals talk a lot about “knowing your language and brand” so it would be difficult to manage social media completely external to the organisation.

Social media is not like a landing site or a microsite which can be put live for a short while and then forgotten. Social news and messages propogates instantly and can make or break a company’s reputation within seconds.

So, what do you think? Should companies outsource completely or manage in-house partially?

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